Submission Instructions
All submissions are accepted. Please note that submitting means consenting to your work and name being posted online. Anonymous/pseudonym submissions are accepted, please clarify in the email if you intend on submitting anonymously.
*If you use any website resources such as the template, the syllabus, or the exercise for submission to another publication, please first submit it to The Adoptee Cookbook Project. If your piece is subsequently published elsewhere, you must give credit to The Adoptee Cookbook Project.
In order to submit please send an email to following these instructions:
Subject the email: Submission.
State your first and last name, the country and region of your adoption (to the extent that you know), and two sentences describing your piece.
Attach a scan of your piece to the email or a link to the piece in a drive folder. The scan should be a JPEG, HEIC, or PNG file.
Recommended: Attach a headshot of yourself (preferably holding up your piece) to the provided email. The photo should be a JPEG, HEIC, or PNG file.
Attach the signed consent form to the email as well (electronic signatures accepted)
After submission, expect a response within 2 weeks confirming your piece as an addition of the Adoptee Cookbook.